Sunday 29 July 2012

Kerbal Space Program- A how-to guide... Sort of...

And thats how you get to the Mun!

The amount of time I've spent playing this, even though it's still in alpha, is unbeleivable. Yes, I've only made maybe two successful Mun landings, but it's still interesting when your carefully build rocket explodes 3 seconds after takeoff, or you send some helpless Kerbal pilots into an inescapable orbit into the sun...

In other news, handsome Godzilla has something to say to you...

Saturday 28 July 2012

Jobzilla part 2- In which Godzilla is handsome...

I genuinely can't help but grin at Godzilla's expression here...
Oh Godzilla, you so handsome... Uguu~

Oh, and don't count on the accuracy of the translations... I don't know moonspeak too well...

Friday 27 July 2012

Jobzilla, part 1

"Japan orchistrated the death of Steve Jobs. In the 80's they began plans to stealthily assassinate him, when it was predicted by a mongolian witch that in the future, sales of apple products would overtake that of sony products.
The battle between Gojira, and Mecha-Jobbsu-san raged long into the 90's, and came to a head at the battle of neo-york-1, in 2001, when Mecha-Jobbsu was forced to concede defeat, after the twin towers were knocked down by a stray Jobbsu-Beamu.
He vowed that there would be no more collateral damage, and once and for all banished godzilla from America using the last of his strength, but he knew he would eventually succumb to pancreatic cancer, caused by radiation from Godzilla's atomic breath, leaking through a cracked plate on Mecha-Jobbsu.
The battle of Neo-York was covered up expertly as a terrorist attack, and the populace of the east coast was brainwashed by a giant raygun from the moon, powered by space energy.
As well as this, the invasion of Iraq was actually to erect an anti-Godzilla device of ancient, Mayan design, to prevent Japan's mascot, defender, and close friend Godzilla from ever entering the western world again.

Also, the illuminati are all Jews."

And thus begins the saga of- JOBZILLA!

Sunday 22 July 2012



Seriously, as soon as the sun shines, I just start leaking from all my facial orifaces. I don't know if it's hayfever, a summer cold, or i'm just allergic to sunlight.
Welp, better stay inside and play more GW2 beta, and some Kerbal Space Program...

Oh, and it doesn't help that the sunlight makes my beard look all ginger in places... I need to shave this pubey puppy off...

Wednesday 18 July 2012

I don't spend ALL my time playing Pokemon...

...I play games from a time before videogames were mainstream.

-Puts on glasses-

Earthbound is, and always was, really fucking cool, and like with every game, I play it as an adult, giving my protaganists suitable names, and going through the game with a completely serious face.

Also, floating butts...

Hard times with Big Gulp...

Even though I find it baffling that I carry around 80+ icecream cones to cure these creatures of their diseases, I do like the thought that battles consist of me lobbing them in from the ringside...

On the topic of Pokemon, as I mentioned, I'm currently playing Black2... In Japanese...
I also don't read Japanese, which means the plot doesn't really get spoiled for the EU release!
Still, being the big nerd I am, I nickname all my Pokemon, and generally stick with one balanced team for the storyline. Because of this, they each gain a bit of a character as the game goes on, which is nice... Big Gulp just can't get anything right... Poor Big Gulp...

I ought to play Nuzlockes, so I can kill off the creatures I befriend...

Come on now Sheep...

That Zubat isn't even that sexy...

So, Pokemon. I play an awful lot of Pokemon. It turns out that in Black2, one of the world championship trainers can bring along a Zubat with Attract, Confuse Ray, Toxic, and Air Slash. I rarely get angry at games, but it was ridiculous that my giant yellow sheep kangaroo was shut down by some slutty bat...


Oh god, what am I doing...

I've been considering starting a blog for a while now, so I can lump all of the nerdy stuff I do in one big pile, and now of all times, I've decided to start.

So, I imagine this will mainly consist of things I paint, things I think, and as long as it remains entertaining to me, things I draw. I may even decide that I like making crudely drawn art so much, that I want to make it a regular thing, and start to call this a webcomic of some kind.
Oh man... That would be interesting.

For now, here's a picture of someone sweating that definatly isn't me.